The Nonprofit Marketing Trends for beginners in 2023

by Givey Team

5 June 2023

In today’s highly competitive world, nonprofit organizations are increasingly realizing the importance of effective marketing strategies to raise awareness, generate support, and achieve their mission. As we enter 2023, nonprofit marketing is expected to continue evolving, with new trends and strategies emerging to help organizations connect with their audiences in meaningful ways. In this article, we will explore the top nonprofit marketing trends for beginners in 2023, backed by stats and figures, and provide insights on digital marketing strategies, building relationships with community partners, measuring and evaluating marketing success, how nonprofits do marketing, and what marketing budget nonprofit organizations should have.

Digital Marketing Strategies for Nonprofits

Digital marketing has become an essential tool for nonprofits to reach and engage with their target audience. With the rise of social media, email marketing, content marketing, and online fundraising, nonprofits are leveraging digital platforms to tell their stories, connect with supporters, and raise funds for their causes.

One of the emerging trends in nonprofit digital marketing is the use of social media stories. According to recent statistics, over 1 billion people use stories on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp daily, making it a powerful tool for nonprofits to engage with their audience. Nonprofits can use stories to showcase their impact, share behind-the-scenes content, and run fundraising campaigns. Stories provide an opportunity for nonprofits to create authentic and timely content that resonates with their audience and encourages them to take action.

Another digital marketing trend for nonprofits in 2023 is influencer partnerships. Nonprofits can collaborate with influencers who are passionate about their cause to amplify their message and reach a wider audience. Influencers can use their platforms to promote nonprofit campaigns, share personal stories related to the cause, and inspire their followers to get involved. This trend allows nonprofits to tap into the social influence of influencers to raise awareness and drive engagement.

Furthermore, email marketing continues to be a powerful tool for nonprofits in 2023. Nonprofits can use email marketing to communicate with their supporters, share updates and success stories, and drive fundraising campaigns. Personalized and segmented email campaigns can help nonprofits build relationships with their audience, nurture donor loyalty, and drive higher engagement and conversions.

Building Relationships with Community Partners

Nonprofits cannot operate in isolation; building relationships with community partners is essential to achieve their mission and maximize their impact. In 2023, nonprofits are expected to focus on establishing and strengthening partnerships with community organizations, businesses, and other stakeholders to create collaborative and sustainable solutions for social issues.

One of the trends in community partnerships for nonprofits is corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR has become a mainstream practice for businesses, and nonprofits can leverage it to create mutually beneficial partnerships. Nonprofits can approach businesses with shared values and interests and propose CSR initiatives that align with their mission. CSR initiatives can include employee volunteering programs, cause-related marketing campaigns, and corporate donations. These partnerships can help nonprofits access new audiences, resources, and expertise. While businesses can fulfill their social responsibilities and enhance their brand reputation.

Another trend in community partnerships for nonprofits is cross-sector collaborations. Nonprofits can collaborate with government agencies, academic institutions, and other nonprofit organizations to address complex social issues that require multi-sectoral solutions. These collaborations can bring together diverse perspectives, resources, and expertise to develop innovative and sustainable solutions. Nonprofits can also join coalitions or networks that focus on specific issues to amplify their collective impact and advocate for policy changes.

Measuring and Evaluating the Success of Your Marketing Efforts

Measuring and evaluating the success of marketing efforts is crucial for nonprofits to determine the effectiveness of their strategies, optimize their campaigns, and demonstrate their impact to stakeholders. In 2023, nonprofits are expected to leverage data and analytics to measure and evaluate their marketing efforts more comprehensively.

One of the trends in measuring and evaluating nonprofit marketing efforts is the use of key performance indicators (KPIs). Nonprofits can define and track KPIs that align with their marketing goals, such as website traffic, social media engagement, email open rates, conversion rates, and donor retention rates. By regularly monitoring and analyzing these KPIs, nonprofits can assess the success of their marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize their strategies for better results.

Another trend in measuring marketing success for nonprofits is the use of impact measurement tools. Nonprofits can use impact measurement tools to track and evaluate the outcomes and impact of their programs and initiatives. These tools can help nonprofits demonstrate the effectiveness and value of their work to their stakeholders, including donors, partners, and beneficiaries. Impact measurement can provide valuable insights into the tangible results and social change created by nonprofits, helping them refine their marketing strategies and messaging.

In addition to quantitative data, qualitative data also plays a significant role in measuring marketing success for nonprofits. Nonprofits can collect qualitative data through surveys, interviews, focus groups, and testimonials to understand the stories, experiences, and perceptions of their supporters and beneficiaries. Qualitative data can provide valuable insights into the emotions, motivations, and behaviors of their audience, helping nonprofits tailor their marketing messages and strategies to resonate with their target audience on a deeper level.

How Do Nonprofits Do Marketing?

Nonprofits use various marketing strategies and tactics to raise awareness, generate support, and achieve their mission. Nonprofit marketing involves a combination of traditional and digital marketing approaches, depending on the target audience, budget, and goals of the organization. Here are some common marketing strategies used by nonprofits:

  1. Content Marketing: 

Nonprofits create and share compelling and relevant content, such as blogs, articles, videos, infographics, and social media posts, to educate, engage, and inspire their audience. Content marketing helps nonprofits establish themselves as thought leaders, build trust and credibility, and drive engagement and action from their supporters.

  1. Social Media Marketing: 

Nonprofits use social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, to connect with their audience, share stories and updates, run campaigns, and drive fundraising efforts. Social media marketing allows nonprofits to reach a wider audience, engage with supporters in real-time, and create a sense of community around their cause.

  1. Email Marketing: 

Nonprofits use email marketing to communicate with their supporters, share updates and success stories, and drive fundraising campaigns. Personalized and segmented email campaigns can help nonprofits build relationships with their audience, nurture donor loyalty, and drive higher engagement and conversions.

  1. Event Marketing: 

Nonprofits organize and participate in events, such as fundraisers, awareness campaigns, workshops, and conferences, to engage with their audience, raise funds, and create buzz around their cause. Event marketing provides nonprofits with an opportunity to connect with supporters face-to-face, tell their stories, and inspire action.

  1. Public Relations (PR): 

Nonprofits use PR strategies, such as media outreach, press releases, and public appearances, to gain media coverage, raise awareness, and promote their cause. PR helps nonprofits enhance their visibility, credibility, and reputation, and reach a broader audience through earned media coverage.

  1. Advocacy and Campaigns: 

Nonprofits run advocacy and campaigns to influence public policy, raise awareness about social issues, and mobilize supporters to take action. Advocacy and campaigns involve strategies such as grassroots organizing, lobbying, social media campaigns, and online petitions to create social change and achieve policy outcomes.

What Marketing Budget Should Nonprofit Organizations Have?

Nonprofit organizations typically have limited resources, including their marketing budget. Determining the right marketing budget for a nonprofit organization can be challenging, as it depends on various factors, such as the size of the organization, the goals of the marketing efforts, and the available resources. However, there are some general guidelines that nonprofits can consider when setting their marketing budget.

  1. Percentage of Overall Budget: 

A common rule of thumb is that nonprofits should allocate about 5-15% of their overall budget to marketing and communications. This percentage may vary depending on the size and maturity of the organization, as well as its marketing goals and priorities.

  1. Revenue-Based Budgeting: 

Nonprofits can also consider using a revenue-based budgeting approach, where they allocate a percentage of their projected revenue to marketing. For example, a nonprofit may allocate 5% of its projected revenue for the year towards marketing efforts. This approach ensures that the marketing budget is aligned with the organization’s financial capacity and goals.

  1. Donor Acquisition and Retention: 

Nonprofits may choose to allocate a larger portion of their marketing budget towards donor acquisition and retention efforts, as acquiring and retaining donors is critical for their sustainability. Investing in strategies such as donor acquisition campaigns, donor stewardship programs, and donor retention efforts can yield long-term benefits for nonprofits.

  1. Return on Investment (ROI): 

Nonprofits should also consider the potential return on investment (ROI) when setting their marketing budget. By evaluating the expected impact and outcomes of their marketing efforts, nonprofits can determine if the allocated budget is likely to generate a positive ROI. This can help nonprofits make strategic decisions on where to invest their marketing dollars for maximum impact.

  1. In-Kind Resources: 

Nonprofits should also take into account the availability of in-kind resources, such as pro bono services, donated media space, and volunteer support. Leveraging in-kind resources can stretch the marketing budget and allow nonprofits to allocate funds to other critical areas.

It’s important for nonprofits to regularly review and adjust their marketing budget based on the organization’s goals, resources, and outcomes. Monitoring the performance of marketing initiatives, measuring the success of campaigns, and evaluating the impact of marketing efforts can help nonprofits make informed decisions about their marketing budget allocation.


Nonprofit marketing is constantly evolving, and keeping up with the latest trends and strategies is essential for nonprofits to effectively raise awareness, generate support, and achieve their mission. In 2023, digital marketing strategies will continue to play a significant role in nonprofit marketing efforts, as organizations leverage the power of digital channels to connect with their audience, tell compelling stories, and drive engagement and action. Building relationships with community partners will also be a key focus for nonprofits. As collaboration and partnerships can amplify their impact and expand their reach. Additionally, measuring and evaluating the success of marketing efforts will be critical for nonprofits to make data-driven decisions and optimize their strategies for better results.

By incorporating these trends into their marketing efforts, nonprofits can enhance their visibility, credibility, and impact, and ultimately achieve their goals. However, it’s important for nonprofits to consider their unique goals, resources, and audience when implementing marketing strategies and allocating their budget. Regularly reviewing and adjusting marketing efforts based on data and outcomes can help nonprofits stay relevant, effective, and successful in their marketing endeavors.

In conclusion, nonprofit marketing in 2023 will continue to be shaped by digital strategies, community partnerships, and data-driven decision-making. By staying informed of the latest trends and strategies, nonprofits can effectively engage their audience, inspire action, and create meaningful impact in their communities and beyond. With careful planning, thoughtful execution, and continuous evaluation, nonprofit organizations can leverage the power of marketing to further their mission and make a positive difference in the world.

Read more about fundraising tips below:

How to plan a virtual event that achieves your fundraising goals

How To Discover Local Fundraising Opportunities

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