World Down Syndrome Day 2017

by Gemma Harbias

20 March 2017

Every year awareness is raised to share with the world what Down Syndrome is and how people with Down Syndrome play a vital role in our communities. So on the 21st March 2017 it is the 12th anniversary of World Down Syndrome Day!

This event has been created to give people a chance to host events, raise awareness and funds for those with Down Syndrome and to give the people with Down Syndrome a chance to speak up and influence people about how they are as much a part of our community as those without Down Syndrome.

This years event is explained below by WDSD

“In 2017, we are working with our global network to:

  • Explain why it is important for people with Down syndrome and their advocates to speak up and influence local, national, regional and international policy makers.
  • Explain what the key policies are which affect the lives of people with Down syndrome and how they can ensure full society inclusion if implemented.
  • Explain how advocates can get involved – from media campaigns to direct political advocacy.
  • Explain how to empower people with Down syndrome (and those supporting them) to advocate for themselves and provide accessible tools to facilitate this.  

We encourage people with Down syndrome to say “My Voice, My Community” and we ask everyone to respond to our call by sharing and showing the world how people with Down syndrome participate in the community alongside everyone else.”

To be involved in this event you can fundraise with Givey and help raise more awareness for Down Syndrome.

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