Crowdcube Update – Message from Dave

by Givey Team

22 April 2014

Hey Guys,

This is a message to everyone who has been following our crowdfunding journey, simply to say thank you.

Our Crowdcube campaign drew to a close on Friday 19 April. There are many things that we planned, hoped for and expected that didn’t play out as we anticipated. Ranging from not being able to show our existing VC support or accepting investments from the US, to issues around B Shares and minimum investment amounts … just for starters.

However, what we have seen is more that 40 awesome individuals put their money where their mouth is and pledge their support to help drive Givey forwards. From Lord Hastings to Aunt Edna and four starving UCL students clubbing together to get one share – every one of these pledges means the world to us. Your support is paramount to us carrying on!

With all reasons aside, we failed against our online Crowdcube target in the 60 days allocated. Does this mean Givey is finished?

No! I’m very glad to say that the Crowdcube element is only one part of our wider funding strategy, and that the offline activity has been going really well. The support from new Angels and our existing investors on this journey has been unprecedented and humbling. All our existing investors are onboard and many more have come out of the woodwork through this tough yet refining process.

We’re still finalising details for the next chapter, and we’ll keep you up to date via this blog. Once we’ve had a chance to reflect fully on the experience of the last 60 days we’ll also share more of our lessons learnt!

Really this note is to say thank you to the supporters, the sceptics, the hardcore forum questioners and those who have simply observed quietly from afar. We appreciate you being a part of Givey’s journey and hope we’ll get to engage with you more in the future.

Thanks again for all your support.

Onwards and Upwards,


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