Fundraising pages – Four good reasons to use Givey!

by Givey Team

10 September 2013

Fundraising pages

Earlier this year we launched our new fundraising pages. With successes bursting at the seams, users have great fundraising journeys which you can join and encourage them on, like that of a user who created the above page and now has almost raised £20,000 for their chosen cause Climb!

So what is it about Givey’s fundraising pages that seem to incite really rapid donations from friends and family, and end up with fundraising targets getting smashed? The answer lies, we think, across several unique features that are starting to set Givey apart from other online fundraising platforms:

1. Massive pictures.

Givey fundraising pages are about you, not us, so the whole design wraps around content of your choosing – one that represents your cause or what you’re doing to help, from a picture to a blog! This makes your page completely unique, personal and impactful – and more likely to illicit an immediate and highly engaged response from those who view it.

2. At least 100% of donations go to the charity.

Once your post has grabbed people’s attention, the next thing they’ll see is that Givey charges 5% transaction fee for the user, NOT the charity they’re donating to. Unlike most platforms, by paying a transaction fee on top all of the intended donation goes to the cause you want to support, including Gift Aid. This alone can tip the ditherers into action – and it’s so easy to give that they really have no excuse! It can even be more than 100% – see below!

3. Donations can be matched by employers.

Even more unique to Givey is our employee matching engine, Givey for Business. This means you can ask your boss to match the money you raise, in return for getting the company logo on your page and in the donation moments you create. Even if your boss says no, everyone who gives will get the same option (to ask their boss, not yours!) – so you can potentially double your donations with no extra effort at all!

4. Easy to share, and plays happily on mobile

And as you’d expect, Givey fundraising pages are really easy to share through facebook and twitter, and it’s just as easy to donate whether you’re on your phone, tablet or desktop. No matter where people come across your page, we make sure it’s really easy for them to support you and the cause you care about.

So if you’ve set yourself any fundraising challenges for this year, or you’re a charity that wants your supporters’ hard-earned pennies to work even harder for you, why not swap your usual donation platform, and give Givey a go instead!

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