Help: Here is the story of Moamen a very sick young boy…
About a month ago, we met a man working in a local restaurant. After chatting to him for a short while we discovered he has a 14 year old son, Moamen who is very sick.
This man was not aware of our work in Luxor. We asked a few more questions about his sons illness.
Unfortunately his son was born with many health problems. The overriding condition was that Moamen was born without an anus. His heart has been operated on many times and most of his internal organs are weak.
The father, Walid, took the decision along with his wife to sell all their worldly possessions and give Moamen a life changing operation where the consultant would construct a new back passage. This was costly and dangerous. Up to that point the child had been using a colostomy bag.
Moamen is a keen student at school, but due to his many ongoing health problems, he cannot attend regular school.
Help in Egypt are covering his medical costs each month 400Le about £38 sterling.
This family are poor,they live in a mud brick house on the West Bank of the Nile in Luxor. Moamens parents are devoted to him. There is a younger brother, Mohab and a sister Marawa to Moamen.
They are a very close family unit. Life isn’t easy for this family. The father works long hours for little pay. They are struggling daily.
If we can raise the funds Help in Egypt are going to buy a second hand computer for Moamen.
He is housebound most days, giving him access to the world of IT will give him an interest and it is hoped it maybe help towards his future.
We discovered the both boys are keen football fans, they love to watch the TV, unfortunately they don’t have Sky or cable TV to enable them to see more football, so that is another

Brothers together – Moamen (right) and Mohab (left)
possibility for our future plans and have this installed for Moamen to watch all his favourite teams including Liverpool,Arsenal and Chelsea.
We are desperately seeking funding to keep our work going here in Egypt. Moamen and his family are just one of many who need help.
Update received: 25th May 2016 –
This family is one of many we have assisted over the last 5 years.
Most of the adults in these families do not read or write.
Education is low priority because the family cannot afford the fees. Unable to visit Doctor or attend hospital is also not possible. Nothing is free in Egypt and seeing there is no work for most of the population of Luxor, many children and the elderly are not attended to.
Help in Egypt works hard to help as many people as possible, but with funds at an all time low we struggle to give assistance even to the poorest families. We are always looking for funding from companies or individuals, as it’s the only way we are able to continue our much needed work in Egypt.
Message from the Founder:
If you know anyone who would care to give assistance to Moan’s family, or could pass this information on we would be very grateful.
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