Exciting news Givey-ers; we’ve unveiled a brand new way to give and help the charities and causes you care about! The home page will look a bit different from April 3rd as we launch a much more engaging way to connect with the causes you care about and share the photos, videos and articles on the web that move and inspire you.
Keep your eyes peeled for a fun How To video and webinars for our charities! In the meantime, all the info you need is below.

If you’ve seen, read, watched or heard something on the web that has meant something to you, click ‘Post’ to share it on Givey and choose a charity to donate to because of it. Connect any digital content with any of our 8,000 charities and turn your feelings into real actions! Share with your friends to start something incredible; they can view your post and choose to ‘Give’ too.
Or, want to see what others have cared enough about to put their money where their mouth is? Click ‘Explore’ to see the moving and inspirational stuff we’ve found.
We’ll remain 100% free for charities and users – help us make giving a habit for good!

If you’re fundraising you now have the option to create a video of you and your team, talking about the cause and the challenge and asking people to Givey Share the video to help you reach your goal! Any fundraisers created before now are still accessible at the link you created.
We recommend using Instagram as its super simple;
- Film a 15second clip of your team or a training session on Instagram; be as creative as you want!
- Mention the charity your want to raise for & the total you want to raise (include this in the title or comments as well if you want)
- And ask your supporters to Givey Share the video by clicking ‘Give’ which will show under your post once you’ve shared it on Givey
- Add a tag like #brionysmarathonfundraiser and upload
- Once its on Instagram, click the ‘…’ under your video to the right, select ‘Share’ and then ‘Copy Link’ (the last option near the bottom) and paste this into Givey! Add #brionysmarathonfundraiser to the Givey title and to any other pictures/articles/videos you share in relation to your fundraising, and you’ll be able to search this and see the total of all your efforts!

Or, upload this to Youtube and share the YouTube link on Givey. Or share a photo, article; anything on the web related to your event and make starting £1 donation to your charity to link them up.
There’s another quick example we made with our founder, Dave, below!
If you’re a charity, this means you can turn photos and videos of your good work into new sources of fundraising too, and engage much more with your supporters to show them where their money goes and the lives it changes.
Have a play, start following charities and other Givey-ers to build your Activity feed by searching for them and clicking ‘Follow’.
Enjoy the new site, and let us know what you think….
Emily & the Givey Team
The Open Up Ethos
We value authenticity, transparency and simplicity, vulnerability, community, the gritty stories, inspiring change and empowering individuals. We’re a small passionate company with a big ambition; to make giving integral to daily lives and never let a moment of empathy subside into apathy. Open up to hope; open up to injustice, open up to the causes and concerns YOU care about. Take action, inspire change. Open up.
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